Stakeholder Engagement


Stakeholders Contact Info ( Name/ Title / E-mail / Tel)
Employee Tracy Hsu / Management Dept. Manager / / 886-2-2620-1000#11308
Customer Enya Lee/ Senior Deputy Manager of Business Support / / 886-2-2620-1000#11101
Supplier TC Kuo/Special Assistant/ 86-769-83397111#2866
Community Amy Kao / Management Dept. Representative / 886-2-2620-1000#11302
Investor Maggie Wang / Spokesperson / / 886-2-2620-1000#11801



Communication with various categories of stakeholders in the most recent year is as follows:

Stakeholder Priority Issues Communication Channels and Frequency
Competent Authority

1. Legal Compliance

2.Corporate Governance

The staff of the chairman's office attends the briefing meetings of the competent authority from time to time, and if they have doubts about certain regulations or declarations, they will contact the competent authority at any time to clarify and cooperate with the competent authority.
Shareholders and Investors

1.Corporate Governance

2.Risk Management

3.Operational Performance

Major news and updates, such as important financial and business information, are published timely on our online news forum.

We publish an annual report each year, and hold AGMs to brief our shareholders on the current year’s operational performance.

Investor conferences are held at least once a year to disclose the company's operational performance and outlook, and to provide an opportunity for investors and the company to express their opinions and engage in two-way communication.


1.Employee Benefits

2.Performance Appraisal System

3.Labor Relations

We update the corporate website or notify our employees via internal email from time to time regarding: matters concerning employee benefits, information from the employee welfare committee, corporate social activities, and education and training course information.

1.Order Delivery 

2.Stable Quality

The marketing department conducts a customer satisfaction survey once a year, and sales representatives will identify major customer issues to conduct internal reviews for improvement.

1.Legal Compliance

2.Sustainable Development Strategy

3.Supplier Management

Newly established suppliers are required to comply with various regulations in addition to being ISO9001 certified, and sign a procurement contract that includes a probity declaration.

Current suppliers are assessed on a quarterly basis, and relevant guidance is provided based on the results of the assessment.