Environmental Protection
Safety and Health Policy
- To follow and comply with relevant safety and health laws, regulations, and other necessary requirements.
- To promote education and training activities related to safety and health management, to improve employees' safety and health awareness, while continuing to set and review safety and health management goals.
- To pay attention to pollutant control and the prevention of infectious diseases. To improve safety and health facilities and strive to eliminate harmful elements and conditions to ensure a safe and healthy workplace.
- To establish robust communication channels to communicate our environmental safety policies and related requirements to employees, suppliers, contractors, and relevant groups.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Policy
We are well aware that the climate and environment are suffering from the effects of greenhouse gases. As a global citizen, in response to the international norms set out in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, and in order to fulfill our corporate social responsibilities, CviLux will spare no effort in keeping track of our greenhouse gas inventory to facilitate the control and management of our greenhouse gas emissions, following which we can take stock of our inventory to further promote relevant plans and proposals for the voluntary reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Developing a Sustainable Environment
CviLux recognizes the serious impact climate change has on daily operations. The report submitted during the 43rd Management Review Meeting held in early 2019 cited measures to achieve our 3% carbon-reduction target by 2019 for ISO 14001 compliance. The following targets have been met:
- Energy Conservation - Our Dongguan plant replaced 4 injection molding machines with energy-saving machines that uses 25% less electricity, which saves the company about RMB 372,920 in electricity costs per year.
- Reduce Manufacturing Waste - CviLux Group promotes the recycling and reuse of packaging materials, such as cardboard boxes, circulation boxes, and tubes.
- Reduce Manufacturing Waste - Our Tamsui plant recycles its paper containers. The recycled volume is 4.35 kg/week, which translates to 221 kg less waste a year, and a reduction of 455,260 kg of carbon dioxide per year.
- Plastic Reduction - Our Chongqing plant and Tamsui plant promote the reuse of garbage bags. Tamsui plant used 7,650 less garbage bags a year, and Chongqing plant used 4,080 less garbage bags a year. This translates to a reduction of approximately 492.66 kg of carbon dioxide a year. (Carbon footprint per plastic bag: 0.042 kg of carbon dioxide)
- Greening the Environment - The greening of the office of Tamsui plant and the adoption of 60 pings = 198 square meters of industrial park land for greening yields an annual carbon fixation amount of 3.96 kg. (Plant carbon fixation: 198 * 20 kg / m² / 1000 = 3.96 kg of carbon dioxide)
- Incorporating climate change issues into risk management procedures - Revised risk management procedures and crisis management regulations.
Actions taken by the company and suppliers to improve environmental, safety, and health issues

In addition to requiring all companies in the group to comply with relevant industrial regulations, environmental regulations and any other applicable labor, ethics, environment, and safety and health management laws and regulations formulated by their respective local governments, the company also specifically requires suppliers to comply with the above-mentioned laws and regulations in addition to being ISO9001 certified. Furthermore, because the commercial value of maintaining business integrity is of crucial importance to both parties during the transaction, the purchase contract signed between the company and the supplier includes a probity declaration that prohibits the offering or acceptance of rebates, commissions, inappropriate gifts, or any other unjust gains detrimental to conducting a fair transaction. The company conducts assessments of suppliers trading in the current quarter on a quarterly basis, and provides relevant counseling based on the results of the assessment; the strategic purchasing / purchasing team and quality control team will rank suppliers listed in the 'Annual Supplier Audit Plan' according to their order of importance based on their respective performance in the areas of risk analysis, including product safety / legal requirements, annual assessment results, and the status of their quality management system. Only approved suppliers may continue to supply goods or services to the company. Suppliers with conditional approvals must implement all necessary improvement measures within a month's time to schedule a second evaluation. Suppliers who still do not meet the necessary requirements will be disqualified and removed from the list of suppliers.

Green Product and Substance Control
Based on CviLux's principle of developing green designs to reduce (waste and pollutants) at its source, we formulated the Environmentally Restricted Substances Management System and Standard Operating Guidelines for Environmentally Restricted Substances, etc. CviLux also signs Environmentally Restricted Substance Agreements with our suppliers to ensure that all supplied products and/or materials are in compliance with our Standard Operating Guidelines for Environmentally Restricted Substances, and provide test reports and declarations to ensure the quality of our green products.